English interview

1. How long have you been learning English for approximately? I’ve been learning English for about four years now.

2. Do you know any good vegetarian restaurants in the city centre?  Yes, “Green Meadows” near the Palace Theatre on Oxford Road is great, and really good value too.

3. What do you have for breakfast normally?  I usually have porridge with milk, some fruit and orange juice.  Sometimes I have a coffee too.

Food Vocabulary

bread: pan
eggs: huevo
cheese: queso
chicken: pollo
ham: jam贸n
fish: pescado
sausage: salchicha
vegetables: verduras
oil: aceite

Plurales irregulares en ingl茅s

Los plurales irregulares en ingl茅s son aquellos que no siguen las reglas comunes para formar el plural. 
Person (persona) → People (personas)
Man (hombre) → Men (hombres)
Woman (mujer) → Women (mujeres)
Child (ni帽o/ni帽a) → Children (ni帽os/ni帽as)

Como usar la preposici贸n "to" en ingl茅s

1. Direcciones
Yo voy al parque.
I go to the park.

2. Finalidad
Estudio ingl茅s para encontrar un trabajo mejor.
I study English to find a better job.

Conectores en ingl茅s

because  porque
I didn't go to play footfall because it was raining. 
No fui a jugar al f煤tbol porque estaba lloviendo.

so   as铆 que
I'm very tired, so today I'll stay at home. 
Estoy muy cansado, as铆 que me quedar茅 en casa.

Verbo gustar "to like"

Usamos like + V-ing para decir que algo nos gusta en general.

I like playing with the ball. 

Me gusta jugar con la pelota.

Verbo Like + V-ing

Usamos verbos como like, love, hate,... + ing para indicar nuestros sentimientos hacia determinadas actividades.  Por ejemplo: 

I like going to the park. 

Me gusta ir al parque.

My room

We live in a three-room apartment in one of the new residential areas of the town. Our flat has all modern conveniences: running hot and cold water, central heating, gas, telephone, electricity.  There is a lift in our house but as we live on the second floor you won't need it.

Parts of a plant

The roots of a plant serve several purposes. One is to anchor the plant into the soil. They also serve as probes for moisture and minerals. A third function is to absorb water and minerals and send it up to the plant. 

There are two main kinds of roots–the primary root and the secondary roots, which include hair roots. Within the plant, fats and proteins are made by chemical changes in the sugars and starches. 

馃帴 Main Film genres

Detective films are movies where someone tries to solve a puzzle or a mystery, like who stole something or who hurt someone. The person who tries to solve the puzzle is called a detective, and they are usually very smart and brave. 


The first skateboard was created by a California surfer back in the 1950s. He attached roller skate wheels to a piece of wood that resembled a small surfboard so that he could surf on land as well as on the ocean. 

Since then, skateboarding has become a sport, an art form, and a speedy mode of transportation. Today, many young people compete in skateboarding competitions, where they show off their skills and special tricks. 

Tiempos Verbales en Ingl茅s







Acci贸n que se repite.

I play football every Saturday.


Acci贸n que est谩 ocurriendo ahora.

I am playing football now.


Acci贸n que ha ocurrido en un momento indeterminado.

I have played football.


Acci贸n que empez贸 en el pasado y contin煤a en el presente.

I have been playing football for one hour.


Acci贸n terminada.

I played foodball.

Acci贸n que estaba en proceso cuando se produjo otra acci贸n.

I was playing football but it started to rain.

Acci贸n que sucedi贸 antes de otra.

I had played football before it rained.


Acci贸n que se hab铆a estado produciendo antes de otra acci贸n.

I had been playing football before it rained.



Acci贸n futura planificada. 

I will play football next Monday.


Acci贸n futura que ocurrir谩 durante un per铆odo.

I will be playing football on Monday.



Acci贸n que terminar谩 antes de que se produzca otra acci贸n futura.

I will have played football before it rains.


Una acci贸n que se estar谩 produciendo antes de que ocurra otra acci贸n futura.

I will have been playing football before it rains. 


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Watching TV as a family

My brother Peter likes animation films. He always watches them. His favourite film is "Toy Story". I like detective films best. They are exciting because there's a lot of action. 

My cousin's plan for the weekend

It’s Friday afternoon, and my cousin is at work. It’s 8 o’clock, so he finishes in an hour.  When he finishes work, he’s going to go to the gym. He’s going to work out for about an hour. He likes working out because it makes him feel good.