My cousin's plan for the weekend

It’s Friday afternoon, and my cousin is at work. It’s 8 o’clock, so he finishes in an hour.  When he finishes work, he’s going to go to the gym. He’s going to work out for about an hour. He likes working out because it makes him feel good.

After he finishes at the gym, he’s going to take a shower and meet his girlfriend for dinner. His girlfriend’s name is Alice and they’ve been together for about 6 months.   Tonight, he is going to take his girlfriend to one of her favorite restaurants. It’s a Chinese restaurant downtown. After dinner, they’re going to see a movie. 

On Sunday, my cousin is going to see his friends. They’re going to watch a big football game on TV.  He’s going to his friend Ryan’s house, because Ryan has a big screen TV. My cousin is going to take some beer and some chips, and Ryan is going to make hotdogs for everyone to eat.

All in all, it looks like it’s going to be an exciting weekend for him.


to work out: hacer deporte

downtown: centro de la ciudad

all in all: en términos generales

exciting: emocionante